Roon's Nucleus updates
You need only look at the lossless streaming service Group Test in HFC 455 to realise the growing importance of Roon’s music management software. Since the company’s launch back in 2015, Roon has revolutionised the way music lovers browse and interact with their music library. And now Roon is updating its Nucleus and Nucleus+ servers. Ostensibly offering the same specifications as before, the new and improved drives boast a wider, deeper, yet shallower chassis while the internal layout has been changed to incorporate larger 15mm-deep SATA drives (they were 9mm before) and a second HDMI output on the rear.
The £1,500 Nucleus is built around an Intel Core i3 processor, while the £2,500 Nucleus+ adopts an i7 to deliver the full Roon experience. Capable of storing up to 10,000 albums, the servers boast a pair of USB ports for hook up to hard drives and/or DACs and a brace of HDMI outputs. For a limited time, servers purchased via Henley Audio retail partners will also receive £150 off Pro-Ject’s Stream Box S2 Ultra (SRP £599). You can find out more about the Roon Nucleus here.
Inside this month's issue:
WiiM Ultra, System Audio Signature 5, Monitor Audio Studio 89, Volumio Rivo, SVS Ultra Evolution Nano, iFi Audio ZEN Blue 3 and much, much more